World of Warcraft/Macro
Dette bruger SuperMacro
- Nogle steder stå der /script og nogle stedet /z
Det er fordi supermacro har forkortet /script til /z og jeg har så ikke fået ændret det overalt!
Attack notification
redigérDette script vil sende ud til LocalDefense chatten at man har fundet en modstander. Du skal så have modstanderen i dit target
/script x,y=GetPlayerMapPosition("player");SendChatMessage(string.format("%s found at %s! Name:%s Level: %s Type:%s (%d, %d)",UnitClassification("target"),GetMinimapZoneText(),UnitName("target"),UnitLevel("target"),UnitClass("target"),1+x*100,1+y*100),"CHANNEL",nil,3);
Rode Kassen
redigérHent post
redigér/script GetInboxText(1); TakeInboxItem(1); TakeInboxMoney(1); DeleteInboxItem(1);
Random say
redigér/script s={"Die!","Take that!","Smack!","etc"}; SendChatMessage(s[math.random(getn(s))], "SAY")
Inviter og sige det
redigér/invite /me invite %t into the group
redigér/script SendChatMessage("Assault that level " .. UnitLevel("target") .. " " ..UnitName("target") , "say") /point
Fiske script
redigér/script if CastingBarFrame.channeling then TurnOrActionStart() TurnOrActionStop() else CastSpellByName("Fishing") end
Healing script
redigér/script P=1;T="player";function F(a)h=UnitHealth(a);p=h/UnitHealthMax(a);if h>0 and P>p then P=p;T=a;end end F(T);for i=1,4 do p="party"..i;if p then F(p);end end TargetUnit(T);CastSpellByName("Holy Light(Rank ?)");TargetLastEnemy()
Heal med bandage og derefter target din modstander igen.
/target YourNameHere; /script UseContainerItem(Bag#, Item#); /script TargetLastEnemy();
Bag# og Item# skal skifte ud med hvor i tasken du har dine bandager
redigérEarth Shock Interupt
/script a=0 for i=1,16 do if UnitBuff("player",i) then if string.find(UnitBuff("player",i), "ManaBurn") then a=1 end end end if a==1 or UnitMana("player") >= 405 then CastSpellByName("Earth Shock") else CastSpellByName("Earth Shock(Rank 1)") end
Self Healing
/script CN=CastSpellByName; /script CN("Nature's Swiftness"); /script SpellStopCasting(); /target <YourCharsName> /script CN("Healing Wave"); /script TargetLastEnemy();
Cure yourself from poison
/target <YouCharName> /script CastSpellByName("Cure Poison"); /script TargetLastEnemy();
Healing party Macro
Insert Mana krævning i ???
/script CT_RA_Emergency_TargetMember(1); /script if UnitMana("player") >= ??? then CastSpellByName("Lesser Healing Wave") /script TagetLastEnemy();
redigér/z CN=CastSpellByName; /z GCP=GetComboPoints(); /z if (GCP>=2) then CN("Slice and Dice(Rank 2)");end; /z if (GCP>=5) then CN("Eviscerate");end;
/z UM=UnitMana("Player"); /z if (UM>=10) and (IsUsableAction(6)) then CN("Riposte");end; /z if (UM>=40) then CN("Sinister Strike(Rank 8)");end
/script A=GetComboPoints(); /script if((UnitHealth("target")<20 and A>1) or A==5) and UnitMana("Player")>34 then CastSpellByName("Cold Blood");SpellStopCasting();CastSpellByName("Eviscerate");else CastSpellByName("Sinister Strike");end
/z CN=CastSpellByName; /z if (IsUsableAction(X))and (GetActionCooldown(X) == 0) then CN("Gouge(Rank Y)") else CN("Kick(Rank Y)");end /z if (UnitMana("Player")>=10) and (IsUsableAction(18)) then CN("Riposte");end; /z if (UnitMana("Player")>=40) then CN("Sinister Strike");end;
/script UAC=UnitAffectingCombat; /script CBN=CastSpellByName; /script if (UAC ("player") == nil) then CBN("Stealth") else CBN("Vanish");end;
/script local m=UnitMana("player");if(m>999)then CastSpellByName("Sinister Strike")elseif(m>=10 and IsUsableAction(6) and GetActionCooldown(6) == 0 ) then CastSpellByName("Riposte")elseif(m>=40) then CastSpellByName("Sinister Strike(Rank 8)") end;
Du skal have Rippost i slot6#
redigérDette healer en medlem af gruppen ved et tryk på knappen
/script CT_RA_Emergency_TargetMember(1); /cast Flash Heal(Rank 7) /script ClearTarget();
Så kan man bare sætte sig tilbage og slappe af, det kræver dog du har CT_RaidAssist Installeret.